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Wireless LAN Total Cost of Ownership

If you're planning a Wireless LAN refresh, you don't want to overpay. Use this tool to keep your costs in line.

Which Wireless LAN Solution Offers Greater Savings?

Find out in three quick and easy steps with the Wireless LAN TCO Calculator.

STEP 1: Select your industry
STEP 2: Provide the number of access points
STEP 3: Enter Whether or Not You Need A Virtual Controller

*All pricing is based on publicly available list prices for hardware, software and support. Controllers and Access Points used for comparisons are representative and comparable to one another. Deployment man-hour cost used is $200 per hour.

Why it's Worth Doing

  • Generate TCO comparisons for three leading providers
  • See a breakdown of acquisition, service and support costs
  • Calculate the best value for the best price

Do Your Wireless LAN Math

It only takes seconds to calculate your Wireless LAN TCO.
See how much you can save.

* All fields required

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